Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cos Firefox aint just a Web Browser

Clint Eastwood: Pick up the gun ...
Web Surfer: Now no mister,i aint wont no trouble
C: Pick up the gun ...
WS: Now mister, aye just is surfing here,i aint want no trouble
C:Pick up the gun ...
WS: Now look sir, I was just shopping at amazon some socks for me mum...
C:Pick up the gun ...
WS: I aint hurtin nobody its just a a pair of red socks
C:Pick up the gun ...
WS: Please mister dont hurt me, i'll do what you wants me to do...
"Clint draws his gun out and shoot the surfer cold dead with an accurate headshot"
C: What you looking at?He was carrying a gun ,it was selfdefense.

C:And let that be a lesson to all you surfers out there that use firefox mozilla,
no one can copy me, so start showing some god damn respect ,cos i'll find ya
and then you'll be the one picking up the gun...

Coming This summer to kick some serious Surfer Ass and finish off the Job!


Harry said...


Oneiros said...

Μερικοί από μας είμαστε αρκετά παλιοί για να θυμόμαστε ότι το Firefox ήταν ένα υπερηχητικό μαχητικό στελθ που για να το πιλοτάρεις έπρεπε να σκέφτεσαι στα ρώσικα, και που πετούσε πυραύλους ανάποδα :-p

Still, I consider the browser name a kind of tribute...

Thrasos said...

Bravo μνήμη ο oneiros!